As a traveling mom, I am always looking for products that help me get from point a to point B, as quickly and easily as possible.
Enter Trunki by Melissa and Doug.
This toy/suitcase is perfect for my daughter. Not only can it be kept in her room, and used all year (even when we aren’t traveling), it is also the perfect size for her; oh and the most important part…
It’s Pink!
When I first opened the package I wasn’t sure the adorable kids suitcase would have enough space for all of my little diva’s clothes. After all, most of our trips are a week long, and this momma packs everything the ballerina princess owns. So I tested it out:

My daughter loves this suitcase, but not for the same reasons I do. I love its practicality, and she loves it’s functionality!
To snap the first picture in this post, I had to go outside and grab the suitcase (and wipe it down). Her friend was over yesterday and she was pulling her around on it outside. You see the Trunki isn’t just a suitcase.
It’s a toy!
The suitcase comes with a strap that you can attach to carry it, or pull it. The “horns” on the front are handles to hold onto! All of my kids have taken a spin around the house on this thing! You can also purchase a saddle bag; which is a bag for small things your child may use while traveling. But it also doubles as a saddle your child can place on the Trunki while riding :). I know, it’s adorable.
You can also purchase Melissa and Doug stickers to adorn your Trunki. We chose the destination stickers, and my daughter had a blast decorating her suitcase (something I would normally never allow, I have sticker issues…).
Overall, we love this suitcase, and would highly recommend it to any family in search of a great kids suitcase!
Wanna know what it’s used for when we’re not traveling? Take a look:

You guessed it (or maybe you didn’t) it’s Dora’s bed/wardrobe. Which is nice, because it makes clean-up a snap!
You can purchase all of the items in this post from my favorite online toy store. Gummy Lump sells play food, educational toys, and so much more! Check them out today!
Trunki: $31.99
Trunki Saddle Bag $1.99
Melissa & Doug Stickers: $1.59