Blink by Revive is one of my favorite Christian songs. The song was released in 2010, but it still makes me want to cry whenever I hear it. It’s crazy how music can break your heart and make you want to live a better life. That’s what this song does. It reminds me that life …
Last week I read the book Giving It All Away by David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby. Today I want to share my thoughts about this book with you. Giving, Hobby Lobby, and God have been sponsored by Hobby Lobby. All opinions are my own! I love how God works in my life. I …
Human Trafficking organizations in Alabama are vital to preventing and ending human trafficking. If you care about human rights and the lives of children and adults in your community, please consider partnering with these local organizations. Fight Human Trafficking in Alabama Volunteer your time and donate your resources to help save these victims. If you …
I had no clue what I was stepping into when I went to the screening for Disney’s Frozen in January. I hadn’t seen many previews for Frozen (I don’t watch a lot of TV) and I honestly thought it was one of the Tinker Bell movies. Boy, was I in for a surprise! The opening …
How to be a modern-day Proverbs 31 woman was inspired by a series I wrote years ago. I started a daily devotion, and today I decided to refresh that series and put it all together in one place! Before I share these ideas for living the Proverbs 31 life I want to give a word …
Human Trafficking Organizations In North Carolina {Where Can I Volunteer?} As of 2016, North Carolina ranks in the top ten states for Human Trafficking (as reported by the National Human Trafficking Hotline). As a resident, this statistic is both frightening and unacceptable! I am raising four children in this state! Two boys and two girls and …
My friend Jen gave me a copy, possibly her copy because she’s selfless like that of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and I couldn’t put this book down. I was excited to read it because I knew it was going to touch on how hateful we love peddling Christians are to …
[1] Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, Likewise – Here Peter is saying that we’ve already talked about how to live successfully as Christians both in society and work now we …
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigLotsHoliday #CollectiveBias I’m so excited to share my Toys For Tots Donation Ideas for 2016 with you today! The holiday season is just around the corner, and Big Lots has everything you need to prepare for the holiday …
Break tradition this year with World Vision Alternative Gifts. Need to start something new this holiday season? I’m with you; that’s why I love the World Vision gift catalog. The holidays can get draining after a while. Don’t get me wrong; I love to give, but I get tired of people asking me what I want. …
How would you like free daily Bible verses delivered to your inbox? I don’t know about you, but I can use all the inspiration I can get in my inbox these days! 🙂 I probably get around 700 emails a day. I kid you not. I currently have seven email accounts that I check …
June has been such a bittersweet month for this military family. Today as I write this I am waiting rather impatiently for my brother and his family to arrive. You see my brother is in the Army, and he and his family have been stationed in Hawaii since 2013 and this year they are moving …
Why I’m Not A Boycotting Christian isn’t being written to burn the ears of the boycotters or to tickle the ears of the Christians who don’t boycott. I want to share my reasons for not boycotting with you. I don’t have a soapbox, heck I probably don’t even have soap right now so don’t get …
Today’s topic is encouraging spiritual growth in your child. I’m sharing tips that have been working for us. While you can’t be your child’s Holy Spirit, you are their guide. By teaching them to practice these activities, you can help them grow closer to the Lord every day! Photo credit: Cuellar via photopin cc A …
I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Emergen-C®. I received compensation for this post. While all opinions stated are my own, I make no claims about Emergen-C® as a product or its effectiveness. By now you have probably noticed the hashtag creeping into your social media feeds, and you may be asking What is …
The 2015 World Vision Gift Catalog contains more than 250 poverty-fighting gifts, ranging in price from $16 to $39,000, that improve the quality of life for struggling children and families in the U.S. and around the world. This holiday season, give help where it is most needed and receive beautiful handcrafted jewelry for yourself or …
This post brought to you by UPS. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Faithfully Free. A few days ago I shared my Hawaiian holiday wish with you. Today I want to talk a little about someone in my life that is making wishes come true by serving our community and our country. …
Finding the best journaling Bible may seem like a difficult task. Heck, just choosing a Bible version may overwhelm you. Today I want to share what I believe to be the best journaling Bible I have ever owned. I am a journaler by nature, which is why I also love blogging. I do consider my …
Genocide. It was a word I remember often hearing as I was growing up. By the late 90s, it was a familiar story to hear on the news, even though I now wonder how much of it was covered. As a child, it was a scary thought that entire races could be wiped out just because …
This Volunteer Coordination & Scheduling Program post is brought to you by VolunteerSpot and Acorn Influence. All stories and opinions are my own! As moms, we wear so many hats, and we thrive on doing as much as we can for everyone around us. Besides taking care of my family, I am most passionate about …
This shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias Inc. and its advertiser #100MillionReasons . All opinions are mine alone. I have a heart for giving, and I love blessing people with the gifts I have received. I don’t consider anything I have, my own, and for that reason I try to hold everything with open hands. …
The gratitude project is a new goal of mine. Every day I’m bombarded with bad news and negative judgmental attitudes, many times these attitudes come from my own heart. I don’t know what will become of this project or what overall purpose it will serve, I just know that I need more goodness in my …
Today as I was spending time in my Bible I read Ephesians 4 in a way I never have before. It’s easy to read this chapter as it was written, to a body of believers and only think of our church relationships, but today all I could think about was my marriage. The subtitle in …
If prayer is not already a regular part of your life you may be wondering if there is a specific formula for prayer, a certain time of day, or place you should pray. You may not know what exactly you can or should pray for. Maybe you’re discouraged because you tried praying before and you …
~ I participated in a campaign on behalf of Influence Central for The Salvation Army Red Kettle Reason. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. This year, God has truly blessed our family in so many ways. My husband and I were reconciled and got remarried, my husband opened his …