Today, I am sharing my SIL Krystle’s IVF success story. I hope you find the information helpful along your journey, and if you have any questions for her, please leave them in the comments, and I will make sure she sees them. Trying To Conceive: TTC First comes love, then comes marriage I met my …
Parenting humor is a must because as much as social media would have us think other families have it all figured out, parenting can suck sometimes! There are times of great joy, but the hard times seem easier to recall, so we must laugh. We need to know that we are not alone. Sometimes we …
Today we are sharing a prayer for a rebellious teenager and a prayer for that teen’s parents. We hope you find this helpful. As a mom, and someone who was previously a teenager, I could have never prepared myself for the trials and tribulations of being a mother during the teenage years. As Christian parents …
Dear Daughter, I wish you could see what I see when I look at you. I wish that when you looked in the mirror, the reflection you saw looking back at you was the one that I see and have seen every day since the day you were born. I know you think because I’m …
Running away from home is a terrifying experience for kids and parents. If you’re wondering why or how to make it stop, I’m glad you’re here. While I can’t promise you a quick fix, I can offer some insight from my own experience. I was a teen runaway: When I was a teenager (around 14), …
Today I’m sharing 5 easy ways to jump-start your day. Being a mom is challenging, regardless of how many are in your fold. As a mom of four, I have found that how my day begins usually determines how it ends. I aim to ensure I set myself and my family up for success. If you …
Today I’m sharing some lessons my mom taught me. What did your mom teach you? Lessons My Mom Taught Me: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom <3 Want to know what my favorite lesson has been? You taught me that YOU were the best friend I had always needed. I love you!
This post, 10 Questions To Ask Your Children Each Morning, is written by me on behalf of General Mills. All opinions are entirely my own. This shop has been compensated by Acorn Influence, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Family mealtimes are some of the most valuable times of the day. During …
Over the past thirteen years, I have learned just how bittersweet motherhood can be. Today I want to share why I’ll never stop tucking my children in at night. A few weeks ago as I climbed the stairs for the one-hundredth time that day I wondered why my kids always ask me the same question …
Does it surprise you to know that I’ve been thinking about you for years? That I would prepare a post telling you what you need to know when you marry my boy? The boy is now a man, but he’s a boy just the same to me. After all these years, I can still see …
Struggles I face as a Homeschooling Mama was written by guest writer Jen Fabbri Photo Credit: Amanda Petty Homeschooling is tough (can I get a witness?!)! BUT, it’s, seriously, the most rewarding thing I have ever done. It’s ALL worth it, no matter what everyone says. All of those mamas that think you’re crazy have …
Here are 10 things people say to parents with four or more children ALL THE TIME! I have four, yes, four children. I never realized that having four children was similar to being the bearded lady in the circus, but it is. When you have four children, it’s like you’re wearing a sign that says: …
My Story: When I was around 7 years old, I was playing hide-and-go-seek with a group of kids in my neighborhood (I lived on a road that was nothing but family members – mostly extended family). While we were playing one of the older boys told me to hide with him in an empty house. …
The weather has been so nice lately, so the kids decided to have a little water fun today! We played with water balloons on the trampoline and had a blast! So if you have a trampoline in your backyard, fill some balloons and take the fun outside! After filling the water balloons, I had the …
Today we are going to focus on a prayer for the childless. You may not think this is important, but I would like to change your mind. As a mother of four, I can’t imagine a life without my children, but I do know the depth of pain I felt when they didn’t live with …
Today I am sharing 40 Days of Summer Fun because mommin ain’t easy in the summer! I love Summer, but I often find myself stuck in a rut about halfway through, ready for school to start back so we can have some routine. While I am all about a routine, not having one is one …