With all this talk about camping lately, I decided to create a Printable Camping Checklist for family camping!
Our family has been going camping for years, and honestly, it is my favorite way to vacation. Don’t get me wrong, I love taking the kids to Disney, and learning about some of our nation’s most amazing cities, but when we are camping I feel like I get to know my family better.
We do primitive camping (not extreme), but we skip water and electricity and rough it as much as we can stand. This means we spend a lot of time talking and playing games to keep the kids from getting bored. We build forts from branches, catch lighting bugs and frogs, and tell scary stories around the campfire. My favorite part of the day is when things wind down and we all sit around the campfire talking about life. It’s crazy how much you miss during the craziness of everyday life. So, if you are interested in getting to know the members of your family better, and in bonding in a way you can’t bond at Disney World, you will love camping.
Camping is also a great way to vacation on a budget! We usually stick to campgrounds that are $10 or less a night, and we generally only go for two nights. When the girls get a little older we will probably start going for a week at a time, but for now we make camping a weekend thing.
To help you plan for your next camping trip I am sharing our Family Camping Checklist. This checklist includes everything we pack (other than clothes and food). I have mine laminated so I don’t have to print one every time we pack.

I also wrote a very popular post Tips For Camping With A Baby Or Toddler that you may find helpful as well.
You can also check out our family’s favorite new camping treat: Waffle Cone Camping Treat