Family vacations are a great way to spend time with those you love. With the daily hustle and bustle of life, sometimes it’s nice to be able to simply sit back and enjoy the benefits of your labor. If you’ve never taken your children out for a boating trip, this can be a great new excursion that the entire family will love. Planning a nice outing or charting a new territory can be a great way to experience something new and exciting with your children. The good news is that boating trips don’t have to be long or expensive to really enjoy yourself. All you need is a plan and you’re on your way.
Getting Around
Well of course you can’t plan a boating trip without first knowing how you’re going to get around. If being out on the open waters is something you want to do more often, then it may be ideal to shop around for used boat loans and invest in a boat for your family. Other options, of course, include renting a boat, or tagging along with family members who already own a boat. If you intend to explore any areas on land, you’re going to need to also consider transportation such as a rental car or public transportation to get around to all the sites you want to see.
Boating Trip Ideas
Once you’ve determined how you’re going to get around you’ll need to decide where you’re going to go. Remember, you don’t have to go to some exotic tropical place to have a good time on the boat, nor do you need to travel for long periods of time. Here are some ideas you might enjoy:
1. Beachside Picnic
Why not have a lunch date with your family on the beach? However, instead of traveling by car, you pack everything you’ll need onto the boat. Check for local beaches in the area and find somewhere to doc. You and the family can then lay out a blanket on the sand and enjoy the good foods you’ve packed. If you want to travel at night, you might be able to find a beach that allows bonfires which can be great for sharing stories and roasting marshmallows which most children love.
2. Go Fishing
There are plenty of locations that allow for fishing across the US. Find a nice spot you enjoy, drop the anchor and have fun catching the fish. If you’re not much of a fisher, there is also the option to go crabbing with a net or digging for clams in the sand. If you catch something, you guys can spend the evening making dinner from your findings.
3. Plan a Boating Tour
If you want to make your boating trip a bit more eventful then you could always plan your own boat tour. Choose a destination that you and your family would love to travel to and explore new things. Whether you opt for a location with plenty of family activities or you want to become one with nature and sail through beautiful rainforests, you’ll have a blast sailing the ocean blue and experiencing new things as a family.
Planning a boating trip as a family vacation with your children can be a new way to vacation. They will certainly have great time learning about the unknown world around them. Whether you simply journey to a few local beaches, or you decide to venture out to a more tropical location filled with nature, you are sure to have a great time with the kids. Hopefully you’ll put these three ideas to good use and plan an ultimate vacation (or day trip) that your kids won’t soon forget.