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Last Day To Give: Champions For Kids

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This post has been sponsored by the Motherhood, and their client. All opinions and stories are my own.

Simple Giving

If you know me at all, you know that there is nothing I love more than giving. For my youngest daughter’s birthday this year, I came up with a special way to share this love with her. I took her to our local frozen yogurt shop, and let her purchase two gift cards to give away to strangers. We went to Walmart, and she chose two people to give those gift cards to. The lesson I have been trying to teach her, is that it is better to give than to receive, which she now says as “It’s better to give away than to get”. I think she got the point, even if the wording was a little confusing for her!


Recently I have become a Red Cross volunteer, and I am very excited about that. I have also joined an organization that fights Sex Trafficking here in the US, called Not One Tear, Last week, I enjoyed making jewelry last week to help support their organization. You would be surprised how many organizations there are in your community, that can really use your help. If you live here nearby, I have compiled a list of ways to Volunteer in Elizabeth City, NC that can help you get started.


Today, I want to share a way that you can give back at your local Walmart stores. Today, is the last day to give, so please stop by and give what you can. Walmart has partnered with Champions For Kids for a program called #SimpleGiving. All you have to do, is stop by your local Walmart and pick up items that will help children in need. You can give snacks, personal care items, and anything else a child would need. Then drop your items in the donation bins and they will get them delivered the the children in need, in your community! It doesn’t get much simpler than that!

Champion For Kids


All donations will stay in the local community and be distributed through school districts nearest to each store. School districts can also win one of multiple awards, totaling $10,000. I truly hope you will consider helping the children in your community! If you do, please share your story here.


You can learn more about this program online:

Champions for Kids on Twitter
Champions for Kids Facebook Page




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