Do you ever feel like your marriage is the most stressful part of your life? Today I’m sharing 40 ways to reduce stress in marriage.

Marriage is one of the most complicated relationships we will ever have in our lives. No one will ever get under your skin like the man or woman you married will. It’s normal to feel like the love of your life drives you crazy. They can hurt you more profoundly than anyone else, make you feel completely alone when they are in the same room, and sometimes they don’t seem to care about you.
Let’s go ahead and set the record straight. Love is indeed a battlefield because we are all imperfect; honestly, as hard as we may try, we are selfish. Think about your last two or three fights or arguments with your spouse. Whether you were right or wrong, why were you fighting? Can I give you a hint… IT’S BECAUSE YOU WEREN’T GETTING WHAT YOU WANTED. I’m not saying what you wanted was bad or that you shouldn’t want things, but when it causes you to fight, you have to step back and ask yourself why it’s so important to you, especially if what you want is more love or affection because pushing someone away, or making your husband/wife feel unloved to get love never works. Like seriously, ever. So stop!
Okay, enough intro; let’s get to my ridiculous list of 40 ways to reduce stress in marriage.
40 Ways To Reduce Stress In Marriage:
- Write a love note to your spouse. Writing in therapeutic and even if you don’t feel the love at first, you will if you push through it.
- Smile. Smile in the mirror, smile when you’re talking on the phone, just look over at your husband and smile.
- Kiss a baby. I don’t know about babies, but they make you happy. Don’t have a baby to kiss? Kiss a stranger’s baby, and then RUN!
- Go out on a date—none of this date night at home crap. Plan a real date and dress up.
- Carve out 10-15 minutes each day to sit and talk about whatever may be on your mind.
- Watch a comedy together. Laughter is the best medicine and laughing together is a true bonding experience.
- Tickle each other, wrestle, or play a board game.
- Have a code word that, when said, makes both of you laugh. This is perfect for when one of you gets a case of the bad attitude! My husband and I do this thing where we thump the other one’s ear and say “Are you mad?” repeatedly until the other person starts to laugh. We also look each other in the face and make the other person say “I love you” until we are no longer angry. It sounds crazy, but sometimes you must break out of those tense moments with laughter.
- Go on a double date.
- Have “couple” friends. You know, friends that both of you like that are also married.
- Spend time together outside. You don’t have to do anything, get outside in the fresh air.
- Read to each other
- Pray together
- Cook dinner together (and clean up afterward together).
- Deal with the kids together. No more one-man show; let the kids see you taking charge together.
- Make a bucket list and dream about the future.
- Take family vacations, couple vacations, and go on a marriage retreat.
- Work on the finances together. Come up with a budget and a plan to get out of debt together (even if only one of you works outside the house).
- Take a bath/shower together.
- Give each other massages, or get massages together if you can afford it.
- Play a sport together (golf is a great game to play together, trust me ladies).
- Send sweet texts throughout the day.
- Have a lunch date.
- Spend time learning to communicate and communicate about important issues when you’re both in a good mood.
- Go to church.
- Serve the community together.
- Encourage one another in everything you take on. My husband is currently studying for a test, and we are having fun studying together.
- Whatever you have fun doing, do it, together. Life is short, stop putting things off. Do something fun this week.
- Talk about what you would do with the money if you won the lottery.
- Sketch out your dream or retirement home.
- Talk about what you think your grandchildren will be like, and what kind of grandparent you plan to be.
- Make a list of 5-10 things that stress you out every day, and talk to your spouse about how they can help you overcome those stressors.
- Start focusing on what you can do to make your marriage more fun and exciting. Stop thinking about the negative aspects of your significant other and think about the positives.
- Make a list of 50 things you love about your life.
- Make a list of things you love about yourself and those around you.
- Practice being grateful for the small things your husband or wife does. Things like doing the laundry, making breakfast, packing lunches, and sweeping the floor.
- Look at everything your spouse does as something you don’t have to do. Focus on teamwork. You win as a team, and you lose as a team.
- Start saying we instead of I.
- If you’re the type of person that gets stressed easily consider taking a supplement to help balance your mood and boost your happiness levels throughout the day. Stress in marriage can be caused by a number of things. The top stressors in marriage are often money and children. It doesn’t matter who you marry, you will eventually deal with these two issues, so stop fretting about them and start making life fun again. Enjoy each other’s company and remember that life is too short to live it miserably.
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