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The Gratitude Project #dailygratitude

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The gratitude project is a new goal of mine. Every day I’m bombarded with bad news and negative judgmental attitudes, many times these attitudes come from my own heart.

I don’t know what will become of this project or what overall purpose it will serve, I just know that I need more goodness in my life. I need to be reminded daily of all the things that are honorable, excellent, and worthy of praise. I need to start rejoicing in the Lord always. I need these things because I feel like I’m being torn down from the inside out by constant sorrows, sadness, and anger.

My only goal is to uncover daily the beautiful things of this world. Things that are right in front of my face, yet so often remain unseen.

So I’ll start today with some of the most beautiful things in my life right now. I hope you’ll join me. You can follow along using the hashtag #dailygratitude

5th Grade Graduation


Last week I watched a second of my four children graduate 5th grade. I now have two children in middle school and two in elementary school. I am so blessed to have four beautiful and sinful children who are teaching me more about grace and unconditional love than I could have ever learned otherwise.



Waking up to big beautiful eyes staring back at me and more often than not asking for milk. Just looking at these freckle faces makes me smile. I am so undeserving of these blessings.



New babies and visits from family. Spending time with my hard working husband and listening to his “baby talk” voice that I haven’t heard in years.



Hot breakfasts served daily and a hard working husband to put food on the table and allow me the blessing of being home for our children.



The unending beauty of the earth that exists all around me every day. Life and death, cycles, and consistency.


These are the things I am grateful for today. These are the things that can overcome the sorrow, bad attitudes, fear, and anxiety that threatens to choke the life out of me.

Thank you Lord for the daily reminders that you are good and faithful. Open my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me. Teach me to rejoice always.

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