Today we are sharing our favorite Christmas craft to date! Recycled Glass Christmas Ornaments!

Recycled Glass Christmas Ornaments:
In this time of a raised awareness of “reduce, re-use, recycle” I thought it might be fun to refurbish some of my old glass Christmas ornaments.
I have several partial boxes of different colors of glass ornaments. Some are missing, and others are scratched, you know how it goes. I hated to throw them away and didn’t think they were worthy of donation.
I have been thinking about customizing some ornaments for gifts and thought it would be fun to try heat embossing. The ornaments you see here are the result of that experiment. Keep in mind; this is my first attempt at this craft. I had only seen embossing done once by my daughter! I was so pleased with the results that I am thinking of working on more of my old scratched ornaments to keep them usable for another year.
I think that it will be fun to shop the “After Christmas” sales to see what kind of ornaments and Christmas stamps I can find to work on for next year.
Recycled Glass Christmas Ornaments Supply List:
Old glass ornaments
Watermark Stamp Pad
Rubber or Acrylic Stamps
Embossing Powder
Embossing Heat Gun
Embossing Tray (this is optional, but is great for saving the unused powered that falls from the ornament)
Small Paint Brush

How To Make Your Recycled Glass Christmas Ornaments:
Step 1: Use your Watermark Stamp Pad of your choice.
Step 2: Stamp your image on the ornament.
Step 3: Shake the embossing powder(color of your choice) over the watermark image. Use a small paintbrush to remove excess powder.
Step 4: When you are satisfied with the image, use an embossing heat gun to set the powder. It helps to have an ornament hook in the ornament, so you have something to hold without getting burned.

After it cools, your personalized ornament is ready! Now wrap in tissue paper and place in a small wrapped box and you have the perfect personalized gift!
If you liked learning how to create your own Christmas card be sure to check out our other tutorials using the links below!