
16″ Wire Wreath Frame (either ready-made with wraps or use your own black pipe cleaners)
20” Black Mesh Ribbon
1 package Plush Witch Legs
12” X 15” fabric for the hat
12” X 18” Black Felt
Small package of Quilt Batting or other stuffing material
Measuring Tape
Hot Glue Gun
How To Make It:
- If you didn’t purchase a ready made frame, attach your pipe clearners to your wreath frame.
- Attactch the mesh to the wreath on the outside edge first. I used only 9” length of Mesh per loop to keep it tight. Once you have made it around the outside edge repeat the process on the inside edge. Cut your mesh before you attach the last loop so you can hide the loose end inside the wreath.
- Once you are happy with the shape of your wreath, wrap all of the loose edges of the pipe cleaners around the loops to hide them.
- Open the plush witch legs and carefully remove the belt buckle and lay it aside.
- Cut the felt holding the witch legs together on each side of the legs so that you have two legs on two pieces of felt. Wrap the felt holding one of the legs through the outside edge of the wreath at attach it with a needle and thread. Do the same with the other leg.
- To make the hat, fold your cloth in half and cut off a triangle from the corner to form your hat shape. Fold the right sides together and sew up the seam leaving the bottom open.
- Trace a circle on your felt using a plate. Cut out the circle. Fold the circle in fourths and cut out the middle so that you have a wide outline of a circle. Using the circle you just cut out, make a larger circle on the rest of the felt and cut it out. Pin the outline of your large circle to the right side of the hat to form the brim. Sew it on and stuff the hat. Pin the remaining circle to the hat to cover the stuffing and sew in place.
- Using your hot glue gun, glue the hat to the top of the wreath then glue the belt buckle to the front.
Tip: You may need to reinforce the hat with some small stitches with a needle to make sure it does not wobble back and forth when the door opens and closes.
I hope you enjoyed this Easy DIY Witch Wreath Tutorial!