This Adorable Halloween Spider Craft For Kids suddenly popped into my head when I was in my craft room looking for silver paint. I kid you not! One of the greatest things about crafting is when inspiration just jumps right on you and then you have to create your masterpiece, right?
This Spider is so easy to make that you won’t be able to resist!
Adorable Halloween Spider Craft For Kids Supplies:
1-Styrofoam Ball 3 inch
Black Spray Paint (or non-toxic black paint)
Wooden Skewer
Wiggly Eyes
Tacky Glue
4-Black Pipe Cleaners
Yarn Needle and Needle Threader
How To Make Your Adorable Halloween Spider Craft For Kids:
Step 1: Punch a hole through the styrofoam ball with a pencil for the legs. Then spray paint it black. It is easy to spray the ball if you put it on a wooden skewer first. If you want your children to complete the craft from start to finish just let them paint the ball themselves with non-toxic black paint, otherwise let them start with the black ball. 🙂
Step 2: Thread your four black pipe cleaners through the styrofoam ball where you made the hole with your pencil. The pipe cleaners will go right through the ball if you twist the ends together first.
Step 3: Bend your pipe cleaners into spider legs.
Step 4: Thread your string through the body of your spider using the yarn needle. You can finish guiding it through using the wooden skewer. Glue your wiggly eyes to the body.
Step 5: Thread your string ends through the button and tie a knot. The button will end up under your spider body. Cut the cord that is holding your needle and tie another knot. The new knot will close the loop that you will use to suspend your spider.
Step 6: Allow glue for the eyes to dry thoroughly and hang him up! Making this guy was so much fun that I was inspired to make a centerpiece as well. Check out that post next! Happy Halloween.